
Kelvin Small III b. 1996 in Belle Glade, FL is a contemporary visual artist focusing on navigating the realms of reality and surrealism. In need of a creative outlet, he began pursuing film photography at 21. His first completed project BLISS VOLUME I (Madman’s Theory) is an ode to his beginning and as an act of love for the encouragement he received from people whose presence he aims to immortalize in his work. Utilizing his experiences within his personal life as inspiration, his pursuit to transform the lens into a conduit between the tangible and the transcendent continues with each captured moment. Influenced by the greats such as David Lynch, Gordon Parks, Lee Miller and Solange Knowles, Kelvin’s work continues to explore the realms of time suspended in the delicate balance between reality and imagination. Kelvin currently lives and works in Jupiter, FL. 

Bio written by Naja Hardmon