BLISS VOL II (Hopeless Romantic)

1/12/17: The lonely soul hiding behind a camera waiting for the picture perfect moment for the right one to walk into frame. – L’amour 

4/23/18: Should I sever the rest of this life sentence? Or change my life with one sentence? I’ve been pondering for so long about my freedom. What will I do when I’m out? Maybe I’ll be able to finally sleep at night knowing I’m no longer trapped in that grim and lonely place anymore. Should I make a run for it? How will my family and friends react when they see me again? Will society accept me as I am? All this over thinking is what will keep me institutionalized living in fear of what’s on the other side. – L’amour

5/02/20: I thought love is nothing but a figment of my imagination. Maybe I developed these feelings for you so I maintain peace of mind from my lingering sadness. I didn’t think I’d be romanticizing the way we locked eyes as if you were nonverbally telling me I’m no longer alone. The late nights spent in your embrace made me dream of waking up with you on a daily bases. We never made things official but I can tell you felt the same way but we promised not to tell anyone. No longer the lonely soul my rose tinted glasses has turned into a new hue transforming my view of romance. – L’amour

6/19/20: How could I not partake in the forbidden fruit? How could I resist the snake charmer? Why would you continue to urge me to indulge when we both know what’s at risk? Nothing is more eye opening than realizing the genesis of this situation was nothing more than one of the seven deadly stringing us along. Those that don’t learn from their history are doomed to repeat it right? Then why do we continue to commit one of the first sins ever recorded. – L’amour

7/30/20: At one point we called each other soulmates but somewhere along the line our souls became untethered. We’d spend so much time together yet I still felt alone but I wasn’t man enough to ever tell you.  So I slowly started to branch off without notice and being to explore another part of your family tree. Blood may be thicker than water but it seem like they were dying of thirst. She had her eye on me since day one so day two we made out by the third month it was more than my name coming out of her mouth.  I couldn’t have imagined my twin flame would be your twin and eventually you caught on. Livid that I’d ever go behind your back you only asked one question “why?” I can see the pain it caused you to not only hear what I have done but forgive me hours after I begged and promised you it wouldn’t happen again. Yet here I am only a day later slithering back into the Garden of Eden while she waits for me. Just two sinners not giving a damn about the outcome of our decision. What was left of your trust is now fragile and it’s only a matter of time before it shatters. – L’amour

10/10/20: Love the only drug I can’t seem to get my hands on. So many people get there fix and here I am going through withdraws. Being the only sober one in the room would make anyone want to relapse. So I return to my catacomb where my urges go to die and my photos come to life. – L’amour

12/28/20: I can’t help but ponder how it feels getting to know someone beyond a surface level exposing deep rooted problems that can only be healed by patience, understanding, and a connection so strong the unexpected happens. The roots begin to grow and over time a flower emerges from the ground signifying the love that you have for one another. Ever since I was a seed the thought of one day being in full bloom put a smile on my face. But hear I am today expressionless using this camera as a tool to vent, cry, and keep me company.  Only time can tell if I’ll remain in the catacomb. Only time can tell if I’ll ever see some light. Only time can tell if I will possibly grow. – Kelvin Small III