
I have to say thank you to any and everyone that has supported me on my creative journey. BLISS VOL II has become my most successful project. It not only shocked me but it made me appreciate every single day I didn’t give up. I can hardly explain the love I have for taking photos nor can I express the gratitude I have for each one of you.

The day I released hopeless romantic I had to sell my car and I lost my job. The only thing keeping a smile on my face was seeing the love BLISS was receiving. Later on that night I was scrolling through Instagram and seen a few open calls so I gave it try. Two months go by and I still have no job and I’m thinking about moving back to Florida. I look at my email and I see that my work is going to be in an exhibition as well as be published in a magazine.

Thankfully I was able to find a job and even better I got to visit Florida and see my loved ones again. Handing my family a copy of a magazine I’m featured in is surreal. That time in my life will always be a reminder that love and perseverance is needed to wake up and chase dreams. – KELVIN SMALL III